Who Do You Work For?

I recently announced my retirement from a cushy corporate position after 20 years of service to one company. Quite honestly, the decision to leave was quite the battle in my head and heart for almost a year. 2018 was a year of triumph, my first book was published, I toured the country sharing my story, and I touched lives in a way that I never thought possible.
God had shown me and began preparing me for a transition. My gifts could no longer be contained by the constraints of my corporate career. But I refused to surrender. Like many of us, I struggled with my perceived lack of identity without my corporate title. I questioned how I would be judged by my peers, if I would lose power and prestige, if I would lose friends, etc. These questions began to foster feelings of fear and doubt about my self-worth.
The irony is that when I walked into my corporate office each day, I had lost the passion and feeling of personal fulfillment. I really didn’t want to come to work. Yet, I was still holding on, literally making myself sick with anxiety and feelings of insecurity, which put me smack dab into a spiraling sphere of depression. I knew this was a bad place for me to be in, so I began to pray for answers and guidance.
And then this happened…I heard the voice of God ask me “Who do you work for? Did I bring you this far to let you fail now? Why are you worried about what others think, when I have shown you time and time again who I am and how much I love you?”
Whoa!!! It was like a jolt of lightning had passed through my spirit! As a woman of faith, I knew the truth. In that moment, I felt quite silly for allowing myself to doubt what I know to be true. I WORK FOR JESUS! My greatest passion and joy permeate my being when I serve and help others. I did not need any corporate title to define me or my worth. My intellectual capital, talent and gifts wouldn’t diminish because I left a corporate job. Those are things I carry with me, they are mine and mine alone. And, the audacity to question God after everything he’s done to bring me this far?
It was then, that I said to myself, “Girl bye, you done lost your mind, but I am glad you found it! Do you know who you are? Who you serve? Pull up those boot straps and show the world!” And that was the end of that nonsense the enemy tried to ingrain into my thoughts for so many months. I let go and let God! I now have a new title, Chief Executive Officer of both a new business and my life.
I hope this inspires anyone going through a transition. The truth is you are the talent, you define your worth, you hold the power!
Peace and blessings,